For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. – Romans 10:10

Do you need a miracle? Then believe it, confess it and receive it!

“Oh, I just don’t know if I can do that.”

Yes, you can! You’ve already done it once. When you made Jesus the Lord of your life, you believed, confessed and received the greatest miracle in the universe, the miracle of a reborn spirit! Every other miracle you receive will come in exactly the same way.

You start by simply believing what God’s Word says concerning your area of need, by letting that Word change your heart and mind.

A lot of people try to skip that step. They try to believe for a miracle without spending enough time in the Word to change their heart and mind. They just want to confess it with their mouths and have it instantly appear. But that won’t happen. It’s what we believe in our hearts and say with our mouths that we receive.

If you don’t have enough faith yet to believe for the miracle you need, then you can get it. “Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (Rom. 10:17). So start filling the ears of your heart with the Word until faith for your miracle is born.

That’s what the woman did who had the issue of blood. She believed in her heart that Jesus would heal her. Then she spoke her faith out loud. Then she acted on that faith–and she received her miracle.

It wasn’t Jesus’ decision. He didn’t suddenly say, “You know, I think I’ll work a miracle for that little lady today.” No. She made it happen. She took her faith and drew on the power of God. That’s why Jesus said, “Daughter, your faith has made you whole” (Matt. 9:22).

You have that same opportunity. God’s power is always present everywhere. Your faith will bring it into your life, body or circumstances. So reach out to Jesus. Believe, confess and receive your miracle today.


One time a few years back, we were on vacation having such a wonderful, fun and relaxing time with our children. As I was enjoying the moment, I said, “Isn’t it great to just relax and not have to run around and do anything?”

Alexandra spoke up and said, “Yeah, it’s great because when Jonathan and I say something funny, Dad doesn’t give us his courtesy laugh.”

“Courtesy laugh—, what does that mean?” I asked.

“You know…when he’s busy and has a lot going on and we say something funny, he just says, ‘Ha!’ But when he is relaxed, he always gives us a real laugh and says something funny back to us.”

Don’t you just love how children keep it real? This is a great reminder that people can tell when we are really engaged with them and want to hear what they are saying. I believe that giving people our full attention is a great way to invest in our relationships. It shows respect and consideration for others. Anytime we are talking with someone, we should make every effort to give them our undivided attention. I call this the gift of listening.

I’ve found this to be especially important with children. I recognized early on that my children have a need to be heard. I give them the opportunity to share their feelings and explain their points of view. It’s important that they know I value and respect what they have to say as much as anyone else. Of course, I’m not saying you have to justify every parenting decision or sugarcoat everything you say to them, but you can always find a way to present your point in a positive, educational way and allow some dialogue. If you have teenagers in your house, you know how important it is for them to be heard. Don’t shut them down with, “It’s not up for discussion.” Sometimes they don’t even care if they get their way; they simply want to be heard. When you give your children your full attention, it builds their confidence and makes them feel valued and loved.

No matter what the age, everyone has a deep need to be valued and respected. This means that when people are talking to you, don’t interrupt them. You may already know what they’re going to say, but that’s okay; be considerate and let them finish anyway. If someone asks you a question, and you know the answer, resist the tendency to jump in and cut them off. Be respectful and let them finish. It’s not only a matter of being considerate, it’s an investment in that relationship and lets others know how much you care. Sow good seed by giving the gift of listening and build strong connections in your relationships!

My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry. (James 1:19, NIV)


I will sing of Your power; yes, I will sing aloud of Your mercy in the morning; for You have been my defense and refuge in the day of my trouble. —Psalm 59:16

As we entered a town in Australia, we were greeted by a sign that declared: “We welcome all who are seeking refuge and asylum.” This kind of welcome seems to resonate with the Old Testament concept of the cities of refuge. In the Old Testament era, cities of refuge (Num. 35:6) were established to be a safe haven for people who had accidentally killed someone and were needing protection. God had the people establish such cities to provide that refuge.

This concept, however, was not intended to be simply a practice for ancient Israel. More than that, cities of refuge reflected the heart of God for all people. He Himself longs to be our safe haven and our city of refuge in the failures, heartaches, and losses of life. We read in Psalm 59:16-17, “I will sing of Your power; yes, I will sing aloud of Your mercy in the morning; for You have been my defense and refuge in the day of my trouble. To You, O my Strength, I will sing praises; for God is my defense, my God of mercy.”

For the hurting heart of every generation, our “city of refuge” is not a place. Our city of refuge is a Person—the God who loves us with an everlasting love. May we find our refuge and rest in Him.

How oft in the conflict, when pressed by the foe,
I have fled to my Refuge and breathed out my woe;
How often, when trials like sea billows roll,
Have I hidden in Thee, O Thou Rock of my soul.

Refuge can be found in the Rock of Ages.

Faith Always Wins

Therefore then, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses who have borne testimony to the Truth, let us strip off and throw aside every encumbrance.@(Hebrews 12:1 AMP).

What is an encumbrance? It is an unnecessary weight. If you are going to walk on the water, the last thing you need is weight. AAnd that sin which so readily, deftly and cleverly, clings to and entangles us.@ (Hebrews 12:1 AMP) Notice the Amplified says Aclings to and entangles.@ Not only do we have the encumbrance and the weight if we allow ourselves to get caught up in the things of the world, but also we have sin, which cleverly clings to and entangles us.

It is difficult to walk when you are entangled. Have you ever been entangled in something? Being all tied up and having extra weight is not a condition that a Christian should be in.

And let us run with patient endurance and steady and active persistence the appointed course of the race that is set before us.@(Hebrews 12:1 AMP) Every one of us has a goal before us. We should be headed toward that goal. We must be steady and have an active persistence and patient endurance.

I know a lot of people that endure, but they don’t endure patiently. There is a difference. You can always tell somebody that is not enduring patiently, because they tell you how much they are enduring. Patience is peaceful. If you are patient, you will be at peace. If you are not at peace, you are not being patient.

“Looking away from all that will distract . . .” We must keep our eyes on the finish line. We must stay focused on the goal.  “. . . to Jesus who is the Leader and the Source of our faith giving the first incentive for our belief and is also its Finisher, bringing it to maturity and perfection. He, for the joy of obtaining the prize that was set before Him, endured the cross, despising and ignoring the shame, and is now seated at the right hand of the throne of God.” (Hebrews 12:2 AMP)

Jesus pressed in toward His goal and He was able to do it because He did not waver from looking at the prize that was before Him. He was not distracted. Sin equals weight. Anything that hinders you on the way toward your goal is sin. If God has placed a goal before you, if He’s put a calling before you, anything that hinders you from obtaining that goal is sin because it is not of faith. The scriptures tell us anything not of faith is sin. The only way to combat the encumbrance is to fight the fight of faith.

Sometimes people get a little embarrassed about being a faith person. I=m not embarrassed to be a faith person. In spite of all the things that have happened in the name of faith (that were not faith), our faith does not waiver.

The only person who loses when they are trying to press in is the one that quits pressing in. As long as you do not allow the weight to encumber you, you will win. As long as you do not allow yourself to get tangled up, you will win. As long as you don=t get into a pity party because you think you are all by yourself, you will win. As long as you keep pressing in with faith, you will win!

Faith always wins! Quitters always lose!


“Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; let your glory be over all the earth.” (Psalm 108: 5)

Dear Lord God, I praise You. I honor You. This is the day the Lord has made; let me rejoice and be glad in it. Holy God, You arise at dawn from the east in the midst of jubilantly trumpets sound, angels are singing and dancing around the throne of grace for the Lord is in reign. I sing hymns of praise with my lips of pureness on this new day. Let Your sweet Spirit come upon me and sustain me with Your right hand throughout the days and days ahead. Bless me O God, for I am Your chosen servant and wonderfully made child.

Gratefully, in Jesus’ holy name. Amen !!!


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Gordon Williams



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